Employment Opportunities

Job Postings

Job Application - Word 

Job Application - PDF

OCII Trainee Program

To find out about City and County of San Francisco jobs, please visit the City's Employment Center.

Department of Statement of Incompatible Activities – Statement of Economic Interest Form 700 Information

OCII Statement of Incompatible Activities

Disclosure Category 2022-2023

Disclosure Category 2021-2022

Disclosure Category 2020-2021

Disclosure Category 2019-2020

Disclosure Category 2018-2019

Regulations Related to Conflicts of Interest

OCII Organization Chart

Org Chart - January 2024

OCII Personnel Policy

Personnel Policy-September 2015

OCII Racial Equity Plan

OCII Racial Equity Plan 

Bargaining Unit Agreements

Memorandum of Agreement 2022 - 2024 Local 21      
Memorandum of Agreement 2022 - 2024 SEIU Local 1021

Classification and Compensation

January 2024

July 2023

July 2022^

January 2022

July 2021

December 2020

July 2020

December 2019

July 2019

July 2018

***October 2017
**July 2017 
*July 2016
*October 2015
*February 2015

^Salary Chart Approved by Resolution No. 13-2023 (April 18, 2023)--Commission on Community Investment and Infrastructure
*Salary Chart Approved by Resolution No. 39-2015(June 16, 2015)--Commission on Community Investment and Infrastructure 
**Salary Chart Approved by Resolution No. 25-2017 (June 20, 2017)--Commission on Community Investment and Infrastructure
***Salary Chart Approved by Resolution No. 27-2017, As Amended by Resolution No. 34-2017 (October 3, 2017)-Commission on Community Investment and Infrastructure  

Agency Contact Page